Saturday, 26 September 2015

Day 19: Forcalquier to Les Salles-sur-Verdon

Another lovely day of cycling on quiet back roads through lush countryside and tranquil woods.

Saturday was market day in several of the towns and villages I passed through, and they were bustling (pic). Locally sourced food is the norm here. When I asked where the fruit and veg were grown they usually just pointed to which farm it came from.

The bars and cafes were buzzing too (pic), and full of good humoured locals. I kept stopping to use their toilet, and so bought a contributory coffee. This did get me into a certain sort of pattern.

I had lunch at Moustiers-Sainte-Marie, a pretty town perched on the side of a cliff (pic). It was thick with tourists, though when I unwrapped the full-strength local cheese I'd bought at one of the markets, the area around me cleared. It was delicious, but I'll be storing the remains tonight outside my hostel room, on the windowledge.

I'm staying in the beach resort village of Les Salles, on the banks of the Lac de Sainte-Croix. At the head of the lake is the Gorge du Verdon, which I'll be cycling alongside tomorrow (pic). The lake and gorge waters are amazing shades of green. As will I be if I eat too much of that cheese.

Miles today: 49
Miles since St Malo: 962

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